Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Allegory Of The Farm In George Orwells Animal Farm

Animal Farm, by George Orwell, is a novella detailing a farm in England where the animals overthrow their human masters. The whole book is an allegory of the Russian Revolution. Stalin took control in Russia and eventually became a dictator, controlling every aspect of life and killing those he thought were enemies. Napoleon is Stalin, as he took control of the farm. There are many different animals that represent the different types of people in society and government. Napoleon had become overcome with his power, which made him a tyrannical dictator, which is the most harmful trait in government, especially when the people are all blindly following everything the dictator says and does. Blind followers are usually what allow dictators to†¦show more content†¦When people take power, blind followers are detrimental to society. Because they go along with everything, they allow their leaders to control every aspect of life without the people realizing that their lives are becoming worse. The dictator becomes selfish and starts to do things that only benefit themselves. Throughout Animal Farm, Napoleon was definitely selfish. It’s a very detrimental trait for someone in a leadership position, as it leads to only doing things that benefit the leader, and makes conditions worse for the people. Napoleon and the pigs did numerous things that were selfish during the course of the book. They changed things like the commandments to make their actions seem right and acceptable. The pigs and dogs got better and more food and never worked, while the other animals slaved away and starved. They never cared about anything but themselves, which is clearly seen after they changed the commandments completely to just â€Å"All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others† (Orwell, 134). Napoleon used this to make every single horrible action seem okay, and almost all of the animals just go along with it, and most don’t even realize that the pigs changed all of the laws. This is very similar to many dictators in history; because of blin d followers and selfish leaders, it becomes extremely easy for said leaders to gain too much influence and become absolute dictators. Napoleon is the classic example ofShow MoreRelatedAnimal Rebellion In George Orwells Animal Farm And Allegory1832 Words   |  8 PagesTHINK ABOUT ACTIVITY #1: ANIMAL FARM AND ALLEGORY. ** How is this story allegorical? If an allegory is â€Å"a figurative representation conveying a meaning other than and in addition to the literal,† then what is the additional or alternative meaning contained in Orwell’s story of animal rebellion? 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